Saturday, October 27, 2012

Did Jesus Laugh?

by Holly Moulder


“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” said Jesus.

—John 10:10


          Did you hear the one about the Samaritan, the Rabbi, and the Publican?  All three went fishing in the Sea of Galilee…..


What do you think?  Did Jesus ever tell a joke while the disciples were gathered around a camp fire at the end of the day?  Did He join in the fun when His friends got rowdy and playful?  I’ve always wondered:  Did Jesus laugh?  


          I was raised in a rather traditional, solemn protestant denomination.  My Sunday school teachers etched into my brain a picture of ‘JesusOnEarth’ that is securely framed and displayed on my memory’s wall.  He’s standing with his arms outstretched, his face emotionless, his robe billowing around his sandaled feet.  Not a glimmer of a smile.   And do you remember the famous painting of the Savior standing at the door and knocking?  I think it was posted on at least one wall of every church I ever attended.  He’s not smiling in that one either.  You’d think if He were visiting someone He loved, He’d be happy about it.  It would show on His face.  Not according to this painter.


          Maybe the artists of the ages got it all wrong.


          If you were to ask me to name a quality about myself that I like, I wouldn’t answer that my stunning beauty would leave you awestruck, or my brilliant intelligence would astound and amaze you.  If pressed for an answer, I’d probably mumble something about my razor-sharp wit.  I love to laugh.


          Don’t you?  Didn’t Jesus?  I like this view of the Savior’s sense of humor described by Sam Trumbore in his Easter Sunday sermon in April, 1995.  Reverend Trumbore wrote:


 Jesus sent into swine an evil spirit named Legion who was tormenting a poor half-naked fellow. The swine went nuts, ran into a lake and drowned.  The word Legion was a reference to Roman soldiers. I'd wager the telling of this story caused a good laugh by the Palestinian hearers of the time.


A little good, ole’ political satire from the Creator of the universe.  Boy, couldn’t we use a little more of this today?


For the LORD your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.—Zephaniah 3:17


          I believe Jesus chuckled, snickered, snorted, chortled, and guffawed.  I think a good joke made Him slap His knee, double over, and cry tears of joy.  Why?  Because in every way, He was fully human, just like us.


A good laugh relieves stress and soothes sticky situations.  It replaces worry wrinkles with laugh lines. It erases our differences and unites us, reminding us that we are just people, after all.  But we’re a people made in the likeness of a Father who created us for His pleasure.  Imagine that!


  Knock, knock!  Who’s there?  When I arrive at those gates of heaven, I expect peals of laughter to greet me.   Just the thought of it makes me smile!


Father, thank you for bringing joy into our lives.  Thank you for creating us to laugh.  Today as I walk through this life, help me to see Your sense of humor in the people and things around me.  Let me be a messenger of Your joy.  Oh, Father, I want to hear You laugh!









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